četrtek, 16. februar 2012

Spring please come!!!

Dovolj imam mrzlih dni, saj veliko mojih čeveljcev in oblek ne pride v poštev, ker resnično nočem zmrzniti:)
Praznovanje rojstnega dne mojega očeta pa sem izkoristila, da sem se oblekla v spomladanske barve in salonarčke! LEtos nadvse obožujem oranžno barvo...že lani sem kupila živo oranžen suknjič, ki bo tudi letos prišel zelo prav:) Kaj pravite na kombinacijo modra oranžna?

I have enough of this cold winter!!! So many shoes and clothes i can not wear because of it i really do not want to freeze. :)
I took advantage of my fathers birthday celebration and i have wore some spring colors and pumps! This season i looove the color ORange...i have bought this blazer last year but i think i am going to wear it a looot this season also:) What do you think about this color combination- Orange and Blue?

Shoes Ann Michelle
Shirt ASOS
Blazer ZARA
Clutch ZARA

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